Need help improving Google indexing for my website, blog, app, e-commerce site, and product app? Here's a guide on Unoptimized Images.

Unoptimized images are high-resolution or oversized Image files that contribute to Slow page load times and poor website performance. images are essential For enhancing visual appeal and conveying information on webpages, but Unoptimized images can impact user experience and search engine visibility. search engines like Google consider page speed and Image optimization as ranking factors, prioritizing fast-loading and properly optimized webpages in search results. Websites with Unoptimized images may experience indexing issues, with search engines deprioritizing or penalizing such pages For poor performance. webmasters should optimize images For web use, compress Image files, and use responsive or adaptive Image techniques to improve page speed and search engine visibility. to address Unoptimized Image issues, webmasters should use Image optimization tools or plugins to compress Image files, specify Image dimensions and formats, and implement lazy loading or responsive Image techniques to reduce page load times and improve user experience. they can also use alt text and descriptive filenames For images to provide context and improve accessibility For users and search engines.